Honk Honk! The Hazards of the Holidays

Mother Goose is constantly amazed at how dangerous Christmas and other holidays can be. Let me just quickly share with you a few of the injuries and accidents that our family has encountered this past week.

1. Paper cuts from the wrapping paper.

2. Inflamed vocal chords from singing Christmas carols too zealously.

3. Strained arm and leg muscles from playing competitive sports games (such as Kinect on our Xbox 360).

4. Hot oil burns from rushing through the process frying up the stew meat too swiftly.

5. And finally, a broken molar for Mr. Mother Goose from eating a giant stale Tootsie Roll from Cracker Barrel.

Beeee careful, ever soooo careful.

None of the injuries required immediate medical attention except for the last one. Mark visited with his friendly neighborhood dentist this morning, and left the office of the dentist MINUS one old molar. He has enough pain pills for an army, and enough packing gauze to build ten maxi pads if we need them.

Mother Goose will be busy for the next day or two massaging his swollen gums and applying ice packs to his squirrel cheeks. I will also be tending to the other people who have been injured over the holidays. Please think of us when you’re munching hard caramels and carrot sticks and holiday popcorn. We’ll be here feeling sorry for ourselves.

Important Stats for a Goose

  • 84,858 honks to date

What’s New? What’s Old?

December 2011