Up the Avenues and Down (Part One)

With great gusto, I begun to run, ’til my shins, heart and lungs gave out
Huffing and puffing, I told myself “We’ll just walk now” and did that
Better to see the homes, the birds, the flowers, the budding trees, yes
All of that running, people miss out on the best things in life, don’t they?

With great gusto, I strolled and listened and looked around at the sights
My silver head pivoting around and around, not to miss a single thing
Like a bobble head toy, nodding and glancing, ever moving along and
Up the avenues and down, discovering daffodils, robins, worms

green stuff of new life

green stuff of life

green stuff of new life

(This was written the morning of the Boston Marathon, before the tragedy.)

Ode to My Sump Pump

We’ve traveled far down many a mucky road
You’ve been there for me, dear, carrying the heavy load
Step by step, hand in hand, for better, for worse
We often sing the chorus, forget to sing the verse

Oft I’ve wondered on our journeys near and far
Sump, dear pump, how did you get that scar?
You work so hard, your ever frequent pumping
Sucking water from the sump and ever dumping

Your labor continues through the deepest night
The rains, the showers, the streaming, the sight
Of water in my basement, you know my darkest fright
I love your ever vigilant care, oh sump pump hold me tight.

sump pump 2

Spring Poses a Question

How does it happen?

Out of nowhere
Out of the cold, hard ground
Out of woodchips
Out of winter
Out of sight
Out of mind
Out of death

Flowers happen.
Spring happens.
Love happens.
New life happens.

We didn’t have to do a darn thing.
Could there possibly be a spiritual connection?

Woodchips and daffies

Woodchips and daffies



Purply crocuses.  Or crocusi.

Purply crocus.

Golden crosusi.  Or crosuses.

Golden crosusi. Or crosuses.

A Very Vernal Equinox To You

Every year on March 20, the father of Mother Goose calls her up.

“Did you get your egg to stand on end this morning?” he asks in his low, gruff voice.

According to Dad, this is the only day of the whole year when an egg will pose by itself for pictures, standing up unaided by human hands. Most years we forget to try this amazing science stunt, but this morning Mother Goose remembered! And dear AnnaRose was the skilled eggologist who was able to balance the egg on its end.

SPRING! We welcome you today!

And, dear readers, may all of your days be vernal and full of equinox, but especially today!

An egg posing with bananas and an avocado which will never stand alone on the Vernal Equinox

An egg posing with bananas and an avocado which will never stand alone even on the Vernal Equinox

A quick look at spring in Oak Park

As usual, Mother Goose is honking and flapping her wings and stomping her rubbery goose feet. This time it’s all about springtime in our community. Here’s just a tiny little sampling of spring stuff in our yard…

A humble bit of daffies...

Trampoline standing ready.

So yellow and happy.

Weeping tears of joy for spring.

One of my favorite shades of green...

Today, Mother Goose jumped on her antique Schwinn bike and rode off into the sunshine. Oh the breeze and the smells of spring were everywhere. My precious bike had to go to the tune-up shop for the first time in thirty years — not that we are getting old… We just had a groupon that expires in a few days — don’t let those groupons go to waste, you know. Honk honk!!

The bicycle of Mother Goose is not fancy, but it suits me quite nicely.

Important Stats for a Goose

  • 84,845 honks to date

What’s New? What’s Old?

May 2024