And the Winner Is….

When Mother Goose isn’t writing funny stories, she works as a Social Media Strategist at a growing company named Beyond Big Marketing. And I’m proud to say that this is the company owned and operated by Mr. Mother Goose. (Most people know him as Mark…) His company used to be called Big Black Pencil, but he decided to change the name when he found that his clients were taking him in a new direction — more web-based marketing and less print-based marketing. He is very good at what he does and has a strategy for every occasion. Mother Goose is honking with pride at how well Beyond Big Marketing is doing.

So we decided to open a new Facebook page for Beyond Big Marketing — to invite all of our friends and really spread the word about the new business of Mr. Mother Goose. And we also decided to make the facebook page fun for all the followers by having a Christmas Trivia contest with daily winners and ending with a Grand Prize drawing of all the people who participated in the contest.

Well, today was the day of the drawing. The eldest daughter of Mother Goose is very social media savvy — she strongly suggested that Mother Goose make a video of the event. Mother Goose is well-aware of her lack of video talent — the camera and I have never been friends. I was the person in the college video class who just stared at the camera with the sheep in the headlights look.

So cute, so blank.

But after some consideration, Mother Goose decided to risk everything and make the video. And the rest is history.

Important Stats for a Goose

  • 84,858 honks to date

What’s New? What’s Old?

December 2011